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Samira Daneshzadeh was born in 1982, Isfahan, Iran. As a child, Samira found immense pleasure in painting, drawing and sculpting. This recreational activity soon blossomed into a passionate hobby, as her interest in artistic interpretations and depictions grew.

To follow her dream, she attended art school at 1996. Having shown outstanding talent in fine arts, she was encouraged by her parents and teachers to continue her art studies by attending university. At 2000 Samira passed the national university entrance exam of Iran with excellent score and started to study sculpture in Art university of Tehran as B.A. Beside enriching her theoretical knowledge, Samira started to experiment different artistic methods and mediums in sculpture, painting and installation. Some of her artworks in university admired by her teachers and finally she graduated at 2004 as an excellent student from university and has turned her passion for art into a profession since that day.

From 2004 to 2006 Samira created a lot of artworks of different types which were showed at numerous solo and group exhibitions. Samira has always inspired by the society she lived in as well as the history of Iran. Having lived in different cities she gained life experience which touched her style of artworks. At 2007 she decided to create artwork less, in order to involve with her personal life issues.

It was 2009 that Samira began painting and sculpting again after one friend of hers had persuaded her to create artworks. But this time the style of her artworks were much in harmony with her spirit than before. Having felt new power and passion, she attended in Art university of Isfahan at 2012 to continue her education in M.A of painting. In this period Samira took part in academic activities and spend a lot of time on research in Art and the relations between Art and human spirit with focus on Art therapy. The result of her researches was her M.A thesis at 2014 and some papers in international and national journals and congresses.

After graduation from university Samira followed her career with conceptual art design, teaching in different universities and art therapy beside painting and sculpting. A trip to “Cite des Art”, Paris, at early of 2016 and interaction with other artists from all over the world had special influence on her and inspired her.

Samira has always impacted her art spiritually and emotionally, and she desires to convey her internal energy to the world using any medium by telling a story with figures, shapes, colors, positions, light, texture and sound. Every stroke of her hatchet on marble, and every movement of her brush on canvas, is a manifestation of her shiny spirituality and emotion. And her art to the viewer, is an ensemble of grace, dream and enchantment.

Che Collot, July 2016